I saw OSS 117: Nest of Spies
It's the perfect film - a spoof on the spy genre with homoerotic hilarity, farcical fight scenes, and endearing idiocy. This film parodies the French OSS spy films of the '50s and '60s as well as the early Bond films (BTW it is the 100th anniversary of Ian Fleming's B-Day on May 28th - he wrote the original Bond novels). Plus, the film features amazing costumes and some beautifully furnished sets - think thin lapels and sleek Scandinavian credenzas.
Recently I have been obsessed with Art Tatum - he's got magnificent hands whose sounds can penetrate even the most callous of hearts.
If On A Winter's Night A Traveler by Italo Calvino. If you can't hang with this meta matrushka doll of a book, check out Baron In The Trees by Calvino instead. It's silly and if you don't think so, perhaps you need to reread.
If you're into non-fiction and unafraid of accusations of new-age insanity, pick up a copy of Many Lives Many Masters .

"Many who believe in English speak it"
from My Life by Lyn Hejinian
If you're sick of saying "back at ya" or "likewise" try "boomerang" on for size; I like using it in text messages and emails when responding to my many admirers.
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